High House Hypnotherapy

Louise Hards Dip.Hyp CS Professional Hypnotherapist 

“People don’t come to therapy to change their past, but their future.” –Milton H. Erickson

  • Mashbury Road, Chelmsford, UK

Appointments can either be conducted face to face or online. Session from £60

I am proud to be a member of the National Hypnotherapy Society, and my Registrant Number is HYP22-00264.

My qualifications include a Level 3 Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Introduction to Counselling Skills, a Certificate in Hypnobirthing, Hypnotherapy for Weight Management, Reflexology, as well as a Certificate of Higher Education in Psychology. 

These credentials demonstrate that I have met the rigorous standards necessary to be listed on the register.

By choosing High House Hypnotherapy, clients can have confidence in the quality of care they will receive. The Accredited Register Quality mark serves as a symbol of our commitment to meeting the Authority's high standards.
For more information, please feel free to visit the  Professional Standards Authority and The National Hypnotherapy Society
Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapy that combines listening, talking, and various techniques tailored to each client's unique personality and needs. Its goal is to help clients achieve specific outcomes by activating their inner resources.

During hypnosis, the client's imagination can be guided and shaped to facilitate the desired outcome. It is important to note that hypnotherapy can sometimes bring up unpleasant memories or emotions, making it an intense process. As a result, progress may be achieved gradually, ensuring that realistic goals are met.

It is important to understand that hypnotherapy does not guarantee success for everyone, and the pace of progress may vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience slower progress compared to others.

The benefits of hypnotherapy are numerous. The hypnotic state allows clients to be more receptive to discussion and suggestions, making it effective in treating phobias, anger, fears, depression, stress, loss and grief, and anxiety, among other conditions. It can also be used to help control and overcome habits. However, it is crucial for the patient to fully and actively cooperate in order to achieve optimal results.

Hypnotherapy can be beneficial in addressing a wide range of issues. Some common areas where hypnotherapy can help include:

- Anxiety
- Bereavement
- Childbirth
- Concentration
- Confidence
- Dental phobia
- Exam nerves
- Fears
- Guilt
- Habits
- Interview nerves
- Low mood
- Pain control
- Personal growth
- Phobias
- Presentation nerves
- Procrastination
- Public speaking
- Self-esteem
- Shame
- Shyness
- Sleep problems
- Smoking
- Sports performance
- Stress
- Tension
- Weight control and maintenance
- Work-life balance
- Work stress

These are just a few examples, and hypnotherapy can be tailored to address individual needs and goals. If you are facing any of these challenges or have other concerns, hypnotherapy may be a valuable tool to help you overcome them.

Sessions will take place on my property, so I ask that the upmost respect is shown. Hypnotherapy sessions will last 1 hour. This is done by assisting you to reach a relaxed state that shall induce you to a state of hypnosis.

Please arrive promptly for your appointment, ideally, I ask that you arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the start of your session to allow yourself time to mentally prepare. Being late to your session may result in a reduced session time or your session not taking place.

When you arrive, please park in the carparking space at the front of the house. Do not park on the drive as this is in constant use. Please wait in your car and I will greet you and take you to the therapy room.

I will then take you to the therapy room, from here I will guide you into reaching a relaxed Hypnotic state, where we can work together on achieving your desired goal. 

You will feel relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on the world. 

Payment for sessions can be made on an individual basis or in blocks. However, it is important to note that full payment must be made before the session takes place.

In the event that you need to cancel a session, please provide a minimum of 48 hours' notice. 

Failure to do so will result in being charged at the normal rate for the session. This policy ensures that appointment slots can be utilised effectively and allows for fair scheduling for all clients.

Confidentiality is of utmost importance in all hypnotherapy sessions. I provide a safe and secure space for you to explore and discuss any issues that may be troubling you.

Rest assured that I will always maintain a professional relationship with my clients, respecting your privacy and confidentiality. 

For more detailed information on my ethical practices and safeguarding policies, please refer to the Code of Ethical Practice  Safeguarding Policy

In compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), I am committed to protecting your personal data. For more information on how your data is handled and protected, please refer to the General Data Protection Policy

Your trust and privacy are highly valued, and I strive to create a supportive and confidential environment for your hypnotherapy sessions.
All hypnotherapy sessions  are confidential, giving you a safe space to explore what is troubling you.